
Thursday, October 29, 2009

So Tired!

We bought Brea a bouncer a few weeks ago and she absolutely loves it. I put her in it a couple of nights ago and all of a sudden she got really quiet and I looked over and saw that she had fallen asleep!

Baby Food!

Brea continues to grow and we can't help but wonder what happened to our "little" baby! She's been doing great and is always full of smiles except when we pull out the camera!

I attempted to feed her rice cereal as soon as she hit 4 months but she wasn't really interested and we didn't push it. I kept trying off and on and about 3 weeks ago finally decided that she liked it. I've also started her on baby food - so far she loves peas and squash but doesn't seem to care for green beans (Uncle Todd would be proud).

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Fall Vacation - 3

Fall Vacation - 2

Fall Vacation - 1

We had a great time on vacation with my family in MN. Brea had fun seeing grandma and grandpa Diede again and also meeting her aunts, uncles and cousin Mason for the first time!

4 Months

I'm finally getting around to updating this. It seems like there isn't enough time in the day to get everything done anymore:) I'll have to catch up on the past month's activities. It doesn't seem possible but Brea was 4 months old on Sept 7. She had to go back to the doctor for a well visit and her 4 month shots. She weighed 14 lbs even and was 25 inches long. She is still a little underweight for her age (50th percentile) but is tall for her age (80th percentile). She did well with the shots and made it through without a fever once again.