
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Christopher Creek

Yesterday we drove up to Christopher Creek which is just east of Payson AZ with Grandpa and our friend Josh. Travis and I have been discussing trying to rent a cabin in the area to escape the desert heat in the summers. We drove up there yesterday to look at a place and ended up deciding to rent it for a few weekends this fall. It's only about an hour and a half drive but the temperature drops about 25 degrees. The area reminds me alot of northern Minnesota and it was good to smell the clean air again. Brea had a great time running around in the cooler weather!

Cousin Nate

Travis' brother Todd and our nephew Nate came to visit last weekend. They stayed with Travis' parents but came over to our house for dinner/swimming on Friday and Sunday. Brea had a lot of fun swimming with cousin Nate! We can't wait to see them again along with Aunt Lisa and cousin Tanner when we head to MN in a month!

Summer Fun

The Last 6 Months in a Nutshell

1st Easter
Books, Books, Books
1st Birthday
Goodbye Max
Walking Everywhere.......
Bottle Free!!

So I used to think before I had Brea that I was busy. Now I wonder what I did with all of my free time! I just put her down for her morning nap so I thought I'd try and catch everyone up on our last six months.

Brea continues to grow right before our eyes!! She is now 15 months old and a ball of energy. She is still a healthy eater and as of last week weighed 26 lbs. Travis took her to the doctor on Monday afternoon as she wasn't feeling well so they weighed and measured her. He couldn't remember what her length was but he said the Dr mentioned she is in the 80th percentile for height. Mommy is excited that we are now officially a bottle free household!! Brea hasn't had any daytime bottles since the beginning of July but I was still giving her one before bed until about 2 weeks ago. She doesn't seem to miss it one bit so we're very fortunate!

We've had a busy few months and are excited for summer to be over. I remember growing up in Minnesota wondering how come summer went so fast but it's the opposite problem here. Before Brea I didn't seem to mind the hot summers but it breaks my heart when she stands by the window or patio door and cries to go outside. We try to take her swimming a few nights a week right before bedtime. She loves the pool and I think would stay in all night if we'd let her. We are all looking forward to mild fall and winter temperatures when we can take her on walks around the fountain and to the playground!

Brea had a great first birthday! We had a mini party on her actual birthday with Grandma and Grandpa and then another one the weekend after with Uncle Todd and Aunt Jessica who came down from Minneapolis. She loved her cake(s) and dove right in to the frosting. She started walking on Memorial Day weekend and has been scooting around at 100 mph ever since! She is fascinated by books which Travis and I are thrilled by. We can pile all of her books on the floor and she will always pick out Brown Bear, Brown Bear first. We've also noticed in the past couple months that she has really started "talking". She can say Dada, Mama, shoe and ball. She is constantly pointing at things and trying to say what it is. I think we are going to have quite the chatterbox on our hands.

On a sad note we had to put our dog Max to sleep in May. He was 13 years old and had been a great dog. He started not feeling well and stopped eating. He also developed a cough which we thought was a recurrence of his valley fever. When Travis took him to the vet she discovered he had fluid around his organs which usually means cancer. We had both decided prior to his appointment that if it was anything like that we didn't want to prolong his suffering. It was extremely hard on all of us including Brea who was used to Max coming in her room every morning when she woke up. Even after 3 months it's still hard and we miss him so much!