
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Daddy Dressed Me This Morning!

We couldn't take Brea to daycare today since Laura's son Camden has a fever. Travis stayed home this morning with her while I worked and then we switched for the afternoon. They had a lot of fun together and Travis sent me a picture on my phone of her mid morning. Of all the clothes in her closet he decided to dress her in a 6-9 month winter outfit that she had never worn. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard!! It actually fit her pretty well except for being a little tight on her tummy. We both think she looks like a cheerleader with the pleated skirt. By the way I did get Travis' permission to post this - he was a good sport about the whole thing!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fun at the Fountain

This morning we took advantage of the mild temps to head to the fountain. We thought it would be a good chance to use Brea's new wagon but she had other ideas. She did okay sitting for about 10 minutes but was mesmerized by the flag poles and had to get out and run around. She also had a blast feeding the ducks and playing at the playground. Unfortunately it started to get pretty warm after about an hour so we went home. All of us are counting down the days until we have cooler temps and are able to be outside more. Travis found a sandbox for Brea a couple weeks ago and is hoping to get it put together today. I think she'll have fun playing in it but mommy better get shopping for some sand toys!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Our Little Climber

This morning I turned my back on Brea for a second to fill her sippy cup with milk and when I turned around she was sitting on the kitchen chair. She has been "practicing" whenever I've had her in the kitchen with me today.