
Thursday, July 23, 2009

11 Weeks

Brea is 11 weeks old today! I've posted a pic that I took this morning plus some from the day she was born.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Brea's Tree

I've posted a couple of pics of Brea with "her" tree. About a week before she was born Travis and I were sitting out on our patio and noticed that a root from an acacia tree that we cut down two years ago was sprouting out of the ground. Travis decided that we should leave it and call it Brea's tree. The first picture was taken when she was 3 weeks old and the second one was taken about a week ago.

10 Weeks

Well...I promised myself when I started this blog that I would try to update atleast once a week but I'm not sure where the time goes. Anyway the last few weeks have been busy and hectic around here. I started Brea exclusively on formula about two weeks ago and we have been dealing with numerous issues since. After experimenting with mylicon drops, gripe water and switching formulas I think we've finally discovered that Miss Brea does the best on soy formula. We originally had her on Similac because that is what the hospital gave us but have found out that brand can be the hardest on their stomachs. We tried switching to Similac Sensitive...then Similac Soy and now we have her on Nestle Good Start Soy which seems to be working!!!

Her nightly temper tantrums have also disappeared and overall she seems to be content most of the day except when she gets hungry. As for sleeping, she usually sleeps from about 9 or 10 pm until 3 am and then will go back down around 4 am until 6 or 7am. I have been trying to get up by 5:30 to prepare myself for going back to work next week.

This past week Brea and I have been on the go even with the warm temperatures. Last Tuesday we went to the Mayo Clinic to have lunch with Grandma Linda and to show her off to all of her co-workers. Last Monday and Friday were spent having lunch with friends and on Saturday we went shopping at Paradise Valley Mall with my friends Erica, Sarah and Miah. Brea and Miah (8 months) both did very well and all of us were surprised that we lasted 6 hours. I have learned since having Brea that I could care less anymore what I buy for's now all about her. With all of the sales going on Brea came home with quite a few new outfits!

On Thursday we had her first professional photographs taken. She started to cry after I dressed her in her first outfit but after I fed her a little formula she was good for the rest of the session. However, our smiley baby decided she wasn't in the mood so we didn't end up with any smiles. Oh well, we were able to get a lot of cute pics anyway.

I've attached a few random photos from the past week. As you can see she is growing really fast.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

8 Weeks Old

Brea went to the doctor and got her first set of vaccinations yesterday. I think I cried more than her at the appointment. I felt really stupid but the nurse assured me that most moms do. Not sure whether she was telling the truth or whether she was just trying to make me feel better. Brea came through it like a trooper and only cried for about 30 seconds. I was prepared for her to be extremely fussy and possibly have a fever yesterday or last night but so far nothing. She gained a whopping 2 lbs in 2 weeks so she is up to 10 lbs.

I've posted a few pics of her smiling. Travis was able to get her to start smiling about a week ago but we weren't sure if she was aware of what she was doing. Now, we can definitely tell that she is doing it on purpose! She loves her boppy chair but hates her swing. I'm hoping she will learn to like it once she gets a little older. She has also started to love bathtime...she will smile and "giggle" the whole time she is in the tub. I think we have a water baby on our hands. We can't wait to get her in the pool but will wait until it starts to cool off before we do that.