
Thursday, July 2, 2009

8 Weeks Old

Brea went to the doctor and got her first set of vaccinations yesterday. I think I cried more than her at the appointment. I felt really stupid but the nurse assured me that most moms do. Not sure whether she was telling the truth or whether she was just trying to make me feel better. Brea came through it like a trooper and only cried for about 30 seconds. I was prepared for her to be extremely fussy and possibly have a fever yesterday or last night but so far nothing. She gained a whopping 2 lbs in 2 weeks so she is up to 10 lbs.

I've posted a few pics of her smiling. Travis was able to get her to start smiling about a week ago but we weren't sure if she was aware of what she was doing. Now, we can definitely tell that she is doing it on purpose! She loves her boppy chair but hates her swing. I'm hoping she will learn to like it once she gets a little older. She has also started to love bathtime...she will smile and "giggle" the whole time she is in the tub. I think we have a water baby on our hands. We can't wait to get her in the pool but will wait until it starts to cool off before we do that.

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