
Monday, August 24, 2009

Brea's First Swim

Sunday night we decided to take Brea in the pool for the first time. She loves bath time so we figured she would like the pool. At first she wasn't sure what to think but ended up enjoying it. After we got out she had a bath and a bottle and crashed in her crib.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Brea continues to do really well. She started sleeping through the night about 3 weeks ago and usually averages anywhere between 8 - 12 hours/night. Hopefully this continues for awhile! She is 3 1/2 months old now and our dr suggested that we could start her on cereal at 3 months instead of the suggested 4 months. I haven't yet because she seems to be more than satisfied with her 5 oz of formula every 4 - 5 hours. She has an appointment and shots on Sept 7 so we will see if mommy gets yelled at!! She has been having a few stomach issues so we have switched formula yet again so she is not on soy anymore. That has to be the most frustrating part - I sometimes wish I would have continued pumping so she wouldn't have all of these problems. Travis is convinced that she inherited his sensitive stomach.

We've noticed in the past few weeks that she has really started to grab onto things and pull them up to her mouth. She has discovered her hands and we often catch her staring intently at them. She loves the play mat that Grandma and Grandpa Diede bought for her and loves to grab at the toys within reach especially the mirror. We are amazed everyday with how she is progressing.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

What a difference 12 weeks make

The first pic was taken of Brea at a week old and she was absolutely "swimming" in this 3 month sleeper. I've started dressing her in sleepers at night because she likes to kick covers off of herself so I pulled this out last week and had to take her pic again. Our little lady is growing fast! You can also really see evidence of the jaundice that she had in the first pic.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

12 Weeks

Brea will be 3 months old on Friday and she is growing so fast...I catch myself forgetting that she only weighed 5lbs 11oz when we brought her home from the hospital. She is constantly smiling and cooing and continues to only fuss if hungry. I bought her a Bumbo chair on Saturday which we tried to put her in but I think it will be a couple more weeks before we will use it as she needs to get her head a little stronger. She has also discovered the TV and loves to watch it with Dad. I came home from shopping on Saturday and found both of them sitting on the couch watching Nascar!

The past week and a half have been full of changes. I went back to work last Monday so Brea started daycare. She absolutely loves going to Tania's and has three little playmates Koral 5, Kenna 4, and Braelyn 13 months who anxiously await her arrival every morning! I thought Braelyn would be jealous but she loves giving Brea kisses on her forehead and watching her smile. The first couple of days were very exhausting for me but we've all settled into our new schedule. I drop her off in the morning and Travis picks her up as soon as he is finished usually between 2 and 4 pm. We're very fortunate to have found someone that we completely trust with her.