
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

12 Weeks

Brea will be 3 months old on Friday and she is growing so fast...I catch myself forgetting that she only weighed 5lbs 11oz when we brought her home from the hospital. She is constantly smiling and cooing and continues to only fuss if hungry. I bought her a Bumbo chair on Saturday which we tried to put her in but I think it will be a couple more weeks before we will use it as she needs to get her head a little stronger. She has also discovered the TV and loves to watch it with Dad. I came home from shopping on Saturday and found both of them sitting on the couch watching Nascar!

The past week and a half have been full of changes. I went back to work last Monday so Brea started daycare. She absolutely loves going to Tania's and has three little playmates Koral 5, Kenna 4, and Braelyn 13 months who anxiously await her arrival every morning! I thought Braelyn would be jealous but she loves giving Brea kisses on her forehead and watching her smile. The first couple of days were very exhausting for me but we've all settled into our new schedule. I drop her off in the morning and Travis picks her up as soon as he is finished usually between 2 and 4 pm. We're very fortunate to have found someone that we completely trust with her.

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