
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Time Flies When You're Having Fun!!

Wow...I knew it had been awhile since I had updated but I didn't realize it was nearly 3 months. You can definitely say it's been busy around the Thoms household. We put our house up for sale on Jan 1st hoping to sell and take advantage of the buyers market to upsize. Unfortunately we are up against a lot of foreclosures/short sales so people can get a lot more house for less money. We had 40+ showings in two months with 0 offers so we decided to take it off the market and hang tight for now. I am relieved as I love our house and yes it may be small but I was worried that we were going to get an offer and then not be able to find a new house that I liked as much. I also will not miss keeping the house spotless all of the time with a 10 month old and a 13 year old dog to pick up after!

Now, back to the star of this blog - Miss Brea. She is doing great and is really starting to become a little person vs a baby. She had her 9 month checkup two weeks ago and weighed 21 lbs and measured 28 inches. She has been doing the military crawl for about two months but has now mastered crawling on all fours. She loves it when mommy and daddy get down on the floor and crawl with her. She talks all the time and has mastered da-da and pu-pu (puppy?). She has also started to wave and say hi! No such luck on mama yet!

Brea had to adjust to a new daycare provider right after Christmas. Tania and her girls moved to Texas so we found Laura through a friend of Tania's. Brea has fit right in and now has a playmate Camden who is one month older than her. It's fun to see the two of them interact with each other when I drop her off in the morning. Laura also has a 6 year old daughter Morgan who loves to help watch Brea when she is home. Travis and I both feel fortunate to have found two great women who love/loved Brea like their own.

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