
Sunday, November 29, 2009

6 Months

I can't believe where the time is going - Brea turned 6 months old on Nov 7th. She had her 6 month checkup at the doctor and weighs 17lbs and measured 26 inches. She loves to eat rice cereal and so far we haven't found a veggie or fruit that doesn't agree with her. At first she didn't really care for green beans and bananas but she did fine on the second go around. We've also experienced her first bout with the flu. She wouldn't keep anything down so I called the dr and they said she was fine as long as she didn't have a fever. I tried pedialyte however she didn't like it and would only humor us by drinking 1/2 oz every few hours so I gave her some water so she wouldn't become dehydrated. After about 24 hours she was good as new. A couple of the pics are of her in her bouncer which is her favorite thing right now. Even when she isn't in it she has to be bouncing on your lap!

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