
Sunday, November 29, 2009


Travis' brother and family were here for the past week to celebrate Thanksgiving and stayed with his parents. They arrived last Friday night and all of the kids cooperated on Saturday morning for Xmas pictures! We weren't too worried about 8 year old Nate however no one thought Brea and 3 year old Tanner would last through the sitting. Tanner was definitely fond of Brea and could be heard asking "Where's Baby Brea?" numerous times throughout the week. On Thanksgiving day we all went to the Thanksgiving Day parade and then went over to Travis' parents for dinner. We said our goodbyes to Todd, Lisa, Nate and Tanner as they left Friday to return to MN. We will definitely miss them.

I had the best intentions to get my holiday decorating done this weekend however I only got the tree up without lights or decorations. I'm going to try and decorate it this week - I can't wait to see Brea's reaction to the blinking lights!

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