
Friday, June 26, 2009

7 Weeks

It's hard to believe that Brea is already 7 weeks old. I feel like it was just yesterday that Travis and I were headed to the hospital! She is definitely starting to develop her own little personality. She loves staring at the ceiling fans and the light coming through the blinds and up until yesterday they were the only thing that she would smile at. Travis finally got her to smile at him when she was in her bouncy chair which she loves. So far, she hasn't smiled at me but I'm sure it will just be a matter of days.

Overall she has been a good baby but still has that fussy time at night. She is so happy and fun during the day but as soon as 6pm rolls around it's time to cry. It was Travis' mom's birthday on Wednesday and after dinner we went over to surprise her with a cake and flowers. Brea, who normally falls asleep in her carseat decided not to and cried nonstop for 2 hours. Their dog Porter was going crazy with all of the noise...sometimes I'm glad our Max is deaf because I think Brea's crying would drive him nuts.

I can finally breathe a sigh of relief as we found someone to watch Brea when I go back to work at the end of July. I really wanted to have her in an "in home" setting for atleast the first couple years and we were able to find a stay at home mom willing to watch her. I'm not looking forward to going back to work but Travis and I have both agreed it is best for now. I never thought I would want to be a stay at home mom but it's amazing how my view changed once I had my own child. Maybe someday!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy 1st Father's Day Travis!

Travis was excited to celebrate his first father's day as a dad yesterday. Brea made sure that he was up at 5 am with her and mommy to start the day. Brea had a special t-shirt in honor of the day but leaked through her diaper on it before I was able to snap a pic of her and Travis together. Atleast I took one of her right after I got her dressed yesterday morning just in case.

We went to Travis' parents house for lunch and ended up staying until around 8 pm. I ended up falling asleep with Brea in my arms for most of the afternoon. Doug and Linda recently purchased a new La Z Boy couch and recliner and we snuggled right in. They are so comfortable that Brea, who usually fusses every night after dinner was content chilling out on the new couch. I told them we may visit every night if that keeps her from throwing her tantrums!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Big "Brother" Max

I've been feeling very guilty about the lack of attention our "first baby" has been getting since the arrival of Brea so this post is dedicated to him.  Many of you that know us and Max know that we have treated him just like our child.  Max is 12 1/2 years old and has been with us since he was 8 weeks old but still seems to have the energy level of a puppy.  He's been through a lot...he has lost pretty much all of his hearing, he takes medication for both a thyroid condition and valley fever and was operated on a year and a half ago for swallowing the cap of a pen on New Years Eve!  He's definitely had to adjust to not being top priority anymore but seems to be doing well.  I am shocked that he can bark right next to Brea and she doesn't even flinch.  Apparently she got used to hearing him beg/bark while in the womb!  He definitely misses Grandma Cheryl and Grandpa Jerry and has started to eat his food again since he's not getting as many treats!!!!  Here's a few pics of him from the past year.  Enjoy!

6 Weeks

Yesterday was Brea's six week 

"birthday".  I took her in the car for the first time by myself to meet some friends for lunch at Desert Ridge in Phoenix.  I was a little nervous for her to be in the backseat by herself for the half hour drive but she was a trooper and slept the whole time we were gone.  She has been such a good baby but does have a fussy time from about 6pm to 9pm each night.  Nothing can really soothe her but as soon as she falls asleep, she is out.  Last night she finally cried herself to sleep at 9pm and didn't wake until 4am.  I felt like I could run a marathon after sleeping 7 hours straight!!

She had a dr appt on Wednesday and now weighs 8 lbs 1 oz and measures 21 inches long.  She is healthy except they did detect a slight heart murmur called a "Stills murmur" but it is the kind that she will grow out of.  She also has a slight case of thrush so we have a prescription that we have to squirt in her mouth 3 times a day which isn't the easiest thing to do to a 6 week old!  She goes back to the dr in two weeks to get her first round of shots.  Mommy will probably have a harder time than Brea at that appt!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

One Month Old Today - Baptism

As hard as it is to believe, Brea is officially one month old today.  I'm not sure where the time has gone.   Today we also had her baptized at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church.   Afterward we entertained family and friends at Sunridge Canyon Golf Course for brunch.  It was a great day and we feel blessed that Brea is part of our lives.  

Saturday, June 6, 2009

May 7th 2009 - Happy Birthday Brea!

Brea's Birth Story

After lab results confirmed that I had pre-eclampsia my doctor decided that I should be induced on Wednesday night May 6.  We arrived at the hospital at 6:30 pm and the induction process began at 10 pm.  My water broke on its own at 2 am and instantly I began having strong contractions.  At 6 am and 4 cm later I finally decided to get the epidural.  Almost immediately my legs were numb and I could no longer feel any contractions - it was awesome!!!  I was able to get some much needed sleep and by 10 am I was completely dilated and ready to push.  Unfortunately my doctor was called in to assist with 2 emergency deliveries so we had to wait until noon to begin pushing.  After one hour of pushing, Brea entered the world at 1:11 pm with eyes wide open!  Thankfully she arrived safe and sound.  She was given a clean bill of health but did end up suffering from a slight case of jaundice.  We were able to leave the hospital as scheduled on Saturday May 9.