
Saturday, June 6, 2009

May 7th 2009 - Happy Birthday Brea!

Brea's Birth Story

After lab results confirmed that I had pre-eclampsia my doctor decided that I should be induced on Wednesday night May 6.  We arrived at the hospital at 6:30 pm and the induction process began at 10 pm.  My water broke on its own at 2 am and instantly I began having strong contractions.  At 6 am and 4 cm later I finally decided to get the epidural.  Almost immediately my legs were numb and I could no longer feel any contractions - it was awesome!!!  I was able to get some much needed sleep and by 10 am I was completely dilated and ready to push.  Unfortunately my doctor was called in to assist with 2 emergency deliveries so we had to wait until noon to begin pushing.  After one hour of pushing, Brea entered the world at 1:11 pm with eyes wide open!  Thankfully she arrived safe and sound.  She was given a clean bill of health but did end up suffering from a slight case of jaundice.  We were able to leave the hospital as scheduled on Saturday May 9.

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