
Friday, June 19, 2009

6 Weeks

Yesterday was Brea's six week 

"birthday".  I took her in the car for the first time by myself to meet some friends for lunch at Desert Ridge in Phoenix.  I was a little nervous for her to be in the backseat by herself for the half hour drive but she was a trooper and slept the whole time we were gone.  She has been such a good baby but does have a fussy time from about 6pm to 9pm each night.  Nothing can really soothe her but as soon as she falls asleep, she is out.  Last night she finally cried herself to sleep at 9pm and didn't wake until 4am.  I felt like I could run a marathon after sleeping 7 hours straight!!

She had a dr appt on Wednesday and now weighs 8 lbs 1 oz and measures 21 inches long.  She is healthy except they did detect a slight heart murmur called a "Stills murmur" but it is the kind that she will grow out of.  She also has a slight case of thrush so we have a prescription that we have to squirt in her mouth 3 times a day which isn't the easiest thing to do to a 6 week old!  She goes back to the dr in two weeks to get her first round of shots.  Mommy will probably have a harder time than Brea at that appt!

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