
Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy 1st Father's Day Travis!

Travis was excited to celebrate his first father's day as a dad yesterday. Brea made sure that he was up at 5 am with her and mommy to start the day. Brea had a special t-shirt in honor of the day but leaked through her diaper on it before I was able to snap a pic of her and Travis together. Atleast I took one of her right after I got her dressed yesterday morning just in case.

We went to Travis' parents house for lunch and ended up staying until around 8 pm. I ended up falling asleep with Brea in my arms for most of the afternoon. Doug and Linda recently purchased a new La Z Boy couch and recliner and we snuggled right in. They are so comfortable that Brea, who usually fusses every night after dinner was content chilling out on the new couch. I told them we may visit every night if that keeps her from throwing her tantrums!

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