
Friday, June 19, 2009

Big "Brother" Max

I've been feeling very guilty about the lack of attention our "first baby" has been getting since the arrival of Brea so this post is dedicated to him.  Many of you that know us and Max know that we have treated him just like our child.  Max is 12 1/2 years old and has been with us since he was 8 weeks old but still seems to have the energy level of a puppy.  He's been through a lot...he has lost pretty much all of his hearing, he takes medication for both a thyroid condition and valley fever and was operated on a year and a half ago for swallowing the cap of a pen on New Years Eve!  He's definitely had to adjust to not being top priority anymore but seems to be doing well.  I am shocked that he can bark right next to Brea and she doesn't even flinch.  Apparently she got used to hearing him beg/bark while in the womb!  He definitely misses Grandma Cheryl and Grandpa Jerry and has started to eat his food again since he's not getting as many treats!!!!  Here's a few pics of him from the past year.  Enjoy!

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